Track Listing:
Are You Ready
Rock N Roll Soul
Footstompin’ Music
Bad Time
Aimless Lady
Into The Sun
All You've Got Is Money
Sins A Good Man's Brother
Sweet Little Rock & Roller
Heart Breaker
The Loco- Motion
Some Kind Of Wonderful
I’m Your Captain (Closer To Home)
Bonus Tracks:
Life Line
Never & Always
The Prisoner
The Rain Came Down
Mark Farner would like to thank:
Team Farner: Manager Obi Steinman, Marketing / Publicity Director: Melissa Kucirek, My wife
Lesia, Stage Manager/ Guitar Tech Jage Jackson.
Mark Farner’s American Band:
Hubert Crawford- drums
Karl Propst (RIP My brother) Keyboards
Dennis Bellinger- Bass
Abysmo Films: Director -Carlos Toro V
Carlos Pastene and Teatro Caupolican, Santiago de Chile and all my Chilean brothers and sisters
for making this DVD possible!
I also thank God the Creator, may we all realize this Eternal Love...
Cathy Harkins for sharing Steve
DVD artwork design: Mark Cramer
Carlos Toro V would like to thank:
Editing and Layout: Carlos Toro
Post-production: Victor Peñaloza and Carlos Toro
DVD Authoring: Victor Peñaloza, Carlos Toro
Thanks to: Obi Steinmann, Radio Futuro, my mother Rosa Toro, Carlos Pastene,
Maximiliano Toro, Leonor Toro and all the people who made this great work
In memory of my Father, Lorenzo Toro Daza, Forever Rest in Peace
- Promoter Company in Chile : AllBooKing
- CEO : Carlos R Pastene
- Local Stage Manager : Flavia CastroGiovanni
- Local Light Operator : Freddy Anrique
- Local Transportation : Luis Peña
- Local Backline : Claudio Millán – Backlinechile
- Catering : Taste Ltda / Fishnfries - Patricio Plaza
- Media Partner : Radio Futuro
- Location : Teatro Caupolicán, Santiago de Chile
Are You Ready
Rock N Roll Soul
Footstompin’ Music
Bad Time
Aimless Lady
Into The Sun
All You've Got Is Money
Sins A Good Man's Brother
Sweet Little Rock & Roller
Heart Breaker
The Loco- Motion
Some Kind Of Wonderful
I’m Your Captain (Closer To Home)
Bonus Tracks:
Life Line
Never & Always
The Prisoner
The Rain Came Down
Mark Farner would like to thank:
Team Farner: Manager Obi Steinman, Marketing / Publicity Director: Melissa Kucirek, My wife
Lesia, Stage Manager/ Guitar Tech Jage Jackson.
Mark Farner’s American Band:
Hubert Crawford- drums
Karl Propst (RIP My brother) Keyboards
Dennis Bellinger- Bass
Abysmo Films: Director -Carlos Toro V
Carlos Pastene and Teatro Caupolican, Santiago de Chile and all my Chilean brothers and sisters
for making this DVD possible!
I also thank God the Creator, may we all realize this Eternal Love...
Cathy Harkins for sharing Steve
DVD artwork design: Mark Cramer
Carlos Toro V would like to thank:
Editing and Layout: Carlos Toro
Post-production: Victor Peñaloza and Carlos Toro
DVD Authoring: Victor Peñaloza, Carlos Toro
Thanks to: Obi Steinmann, Radio Futuro, my mother Rosa Toro, Carlos Pastene,
Maximiliano Toro, Leonor Toro and all the people who made this great work
In memory of my Father, Lorenzo Toro Daza, Forever Rest in Peace
- Promoter Company in Chile : AllBooKing
- CEO : Carlos R Pastene
- Local Stage Manager : Flavia CastroGiovanni
- Local Light Operator : Freddy Anrique
- Local Transportation : Luis Peña
- Local Backline : Claudio Millán – Backlinechile
- Catering : Taste Ltda / Fishnfries - Patricio Plaza
- Media Partner : Radio Futuro
- Location : Teatro Caupolicán, Santiago de Chile